Preparing For Your Abortion

The decision to have an abortion is a personal one that only you can make. At our three Metro Detroit abortion clinics, we strive to empower your choice. Part of that process is making sure our patients are informed and educated about what to expect before, during, and after their abortion.

Types Of Abortion Procedures:

Our Detroit, Michigan abortion clinics offer two forms of abortion – medication/the abortion pill, and surgical abortion.

The abortion pill is a safe and effective way to terminate a pregnancy up to 11 weeks. While medication abortion is typically referred to as “the abortion pill,” it is actually two separate medications. The first, Mifepristone, prevents the embryo from growing. The second pill, Misoprostol, induces contractions. 1-4 hours after ingesting the second pill, you will begin to experience cramping and bleeding. Many patients prefer this method as they can have their abortion at home, with all the comfort food, warm blankets, and hot water bottles they need to make themselves comfortable. Our specialty trained staff will be able to answer all of your questions about the abortion pill, including side effects and after care.

The second type of abortion is surgical. Surgical abortion is fast, safe, and effective. This procedure is done at one of our metro Detroit abortion clinics and takes anywhere from five to twenty minutes. You may experience cramping and spotting after your procedure.

Whichever option you choose, our staff is dedicated to providing your abortion with care and compassion.

Your Mental Health

There is no “right way” to feel about your abortion. Every person’s decision to end a pregnancy is unique. Many patients express a great feeling of relief.

Research shows no link between having an abortion and negative mental health outcomes. To the contrary, studies have shown more negative mental health outcomes from being denied abortion care.

No matter how you are feeling about your abortion, our staff is here to support you. An abortion is a deeply personal choice, and our goal is to empower you in making the best choice for you.

How To Pay For Your Abortion

The cost of your abortion will depend on numerous factors; how far along you are in your pregnancy, whether you have the abortion pill or a surgical abortion, and your unique medical history.

We understand the expense of an abortion is often unplanned. And with abortion being legal in Michigan but banned in other states, some patients may now also be grappling with travel expenses.

All three of our Detroit abortion clinics strive to offer financial assistance to those in need. This is where abortion funds come in. We believe cost should never be a barrier to healthcare. If you are struggling to afford an abortion procedure, we can help.

Ready To Schedule Your Appointment?

Whether you’re ready to schedule your appointment or have questions, we encourage you to contact us.